Academic, economic and psychological impact of covid-19 on students from UNAN-Managua
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university students;
economic impact;
academic impact; psychological impact.

How to Cite

Romero Díaz, T., & Matamoros Osorio, C. M. . (2020). Academic, economic and psychological impact of covid-19 on students from UNAN-Managua. EDUCARE Journal - UPEL-IPB - Second New Stage, 24(3), 138–158.


The article describes the results of the application of a questionnaire to students of the Regional Chontales Multidisciplinary Faculty (FAREM-Chontales) of the National Autonomous University of Nicaragua, Managua (UNAN-Managua), in the second academic semester 2020. The objective of the study consisted of evaluating the impact of COVID-19 on students, considering their perception from an economic, psychological and academic point of view. For this, a quantitative-exploratory and descriptive study was carried out through the adaptation of a scale used to measure the impact of these three variables on university students, in the context of the pandemic. The link of the questionnaire was sent to all undergraduate students of the faculty, so that they could participate voluntarily, obtaining a sample of 214 students. The literature was carefully reviewed, and since it is a current issue, several similar studies were found, the results of which coincide with those of this investigation. However, it is striking that the assessment of many of the factors presented here was more favorable than in other countries. At the same time, significant differences were found in some of the variables under study, when comparing gender, origin, age ranges and shift. It is concluded that the students' assessment of the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the factors analyzed was slight.
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